Monday, April 26, 2010

The Corpse, the Cliff and the Dogs

Obviously this is not the first dream or only dream I've had or remember, it is however, the last dream I remember. This dream took place last night. -4/26/2010

It starts off quite simply, I'm in my car communting to work. It's a standard drive as always, I'm driving down a highway that has a woodsy treeline along both sides of the road. My drive starts to slow a bit and I am caught in bumper to bumper traffic. Now something to mention here, normaly this road is a two way street with a double yellow line dividing the center of the road. In this case it's a one way road with two lanes of cars going one way. I'm in a line of cars but I seem to be driving in the middle of the two lanes. The cars in front of me begin to pull off the road and seperate like Moses parting the water. They are all going in a v shape moving forward with me at the point in the back. As the cars part in front of me I am faced with the corpse of a man (whom I do no know) lying in the middle of the road. He is a pale bluish color with black hair in a black suit, his eyes are open and socketed almost sullen. His arms are contorted as if he fell from a higher position. It's disturbing to me but I continue on to work.

The dream flashes forward to my store where I work. All of my lights are out and my closed signs are still on the window, I'm speaking with a man I don't know who wants training, all I can think of is how much I don't want to be in this place.

At this point the dream becomes lucid, I realize that I am dreaming and I don't have to be at work so I get up and walk out of the store outside, where my work surroundings disappear and I am faced with a large cliff side. My best friend's little sister appears and I tell her we can climb the cliff. We begin doing so. There are adequate foot and hand holds all the way up the steep cliff wall. Nearer to the top of the cliff I see a red/orange metal and wooden bridge that is broken. It's base is sturdy enough for me to grab to complete my climb to the top of the cliff. My friend's little sister leaves and I turn towards the broken bridge. Below me the scenary has changed again, it's a field. I see a post that supported part of the bridge and like a fireman I grab the post and slide effortlessly down to the field.

There is a chainlink fence surrounding the field and as I touch ground a group of german shepard dogs appear around me. I'm surrounded by them and they are all looking at me. I feel at ease with their presence, they are protective of me and silently moving about in the field, they keep looking back at me. They do not bark or growl they simply move about the grass calmly and peacefully. And then...

I wake up.

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